Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Albino Squirrel

Hello friends. I have not posted in over a week as my job changed (still at the Vikings) moved to a new office and took on some new duties. I work for an entirely new person (who's great) but have to learn a new job although I will still do a lot of what I was doing before. Needless to say, that has kept me from posting for a couple of weeks.

Over the last couple of years on Minnewashta Parkway which is a 2- lane road that leads around our lake, we have off and on spotted a white/albino squirrel!. When Todd first told me about it, I thought he was nuts (ha), but then I actually saw him too a few months later. We know he lived over the winter as we saw him last year too (or so we thought as we also thought there was only one of them). Then one morning last week, there he was! He came to visit us in our yard at our bird feeder. I tried to take the best snaps I could without running him off. You have to look at him close up, but he has red eyes too and is completely white. He's so cool lookin and have never seen such a squirrel before! Enjoy the photos as you may never see one live, ever!

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