Thursday, November 11, 2010



TRise and Shine at Home for Life's 2nd Annual Doggone Early Dogwalk at Mall of America

Supporter Todd with his Newfie SailorHome for Life's Doggone Early Dogwalk raised nearly $10,000 for the animals at Home for Life. Thank goodness for day-light savings time! Maybe the additional hour of sleep accounted for the extra turnout for the event which made for a fun morning to support Home for Life. Supporters were treated to Caribou coffee and cider and browsed metro area pet vendor displays before getting their dog's photo with Santa. Supporters and their dogs were accompanied by fun dog themed music for their walk around Nickelodeon Park led by Grand Marshall Sven Sundgaard and Home for Life's Sebastian. Afterward, dog trainers got everyone into the act by teaching a dog trick that could be easily mastered at home, and prizes were awarded to dogs in several categories including the dog who most looked like their owner!

Todd and Sailor made the Home for Life news for the Dog Walk event on November 7th at the Mall of America