Thursday, July 9, 2009


This is Cesar the Mastiff who belongs to Tanya Dreesen and her family. When Tanya told me the story about Cesar and the present he brought home, I knew I had to put it on the blog. Apparently, he brought this deer leg home as a gift when he found the carcass in the woods. When she heard Cesar scratch at the door, she was so shocked to discover what he had in his mouth, the look on her face must have been priceless! Not the reaction he was expecting her to have that's for sure which shows in his face. She had the foresight to grab a camera (great job!) and got this shot. Tanya later found out that a deer had actually died behind their neighbors property so Cesar had nothing to do with anything except wanting to bring her a present.

Friends at Day Care

Todd and I stopped by Sailor's day care last week Friday (we had off for the 4th of July weekend) to watch him play and swim. It was a riot watching him in action. He is sweet and kind of hangs back and is definitely not an aggressive dog. He hangs out with a few specific dogs like Bella the Golden Doodle (pictured in the pool) and Noah the year-old Newfie (pictured). In fact the day we stopped by, it was Noah's birthday and he was turning one year-old (Sailor is 9 1/2 months). The hilarious thing is that he is not fixed and was trying to mount all the girl dogs and the day care folks kept having to break it up every 2 minutes. Noah was trying to be very subtle about it too but it wasn't working - we could see what he was up to! Todd told him they should let him get it on since it was his 1 year birthday! In the attached picture, Noah is the one with the white on his chest (and the bigger head).
Attached are some cute pics of them all tugging on a a rope. Daisy is the lighter colored Doodle in the groups shots and another friend of Sailor's. She doesn't mess around either - she will take a tennis right out of Sailor's mouth.