We bribed him into his crate which is in our bedroom and he did sleep pretty well that first night. Hmm. not so bad we thought. He went potty outside - so far so good.
It helps that Todd is a morning person and I am a night owl, so we can help each other out with the pets during different times. Saturday, our first full day with him:
Sailor discovers the master closet and the variety of interesting chewable items at his disposal, the bathroom rugs, my reading light cord, Todd's underwear, a plunger, the trash can and this one that we thought would take a while; toilet paper rolls.
He also decided that he likes my robe and any pants I have on and will just grab a hold any time he feels like it. Taking a shower was impossible the first time as he grabbed my towel and ran off, leaving me standing there dripping wet. He tried to get in every cabinet and grab anything off tables not nailed down since his head is as high as a coffee table.
Osa is too old to play with him in the rough-housing way he wants to play, so she's annoyed with him and has taken to going in the lower level and hiding out (he has not figured out steps yet, so for now she is safe when she wants to get away). He is not sure of what to make of the cat so he follows her around and she swats at him, but holds her ground. He is not trying to hurt her, is just curious as to what she is. I think they may become good buds.
He eats all the dog and cat food left out, so now the cat food has to go on the counter, Osa needs to get fed downstairs, and we got a water dispenser rather than bowls which really helps with his messiness.
I like order, but as with the food and water, we had to change the way we do some other things around the house:
Bought all new trash cans with lids as anything left in the open he will grab and run with. Bathroom and master closet doors have to remain closed so that rugs, toilet paper, plungers, shoes, clothes, laundry, etc., don't end up in a pile in another room.
A portable (meaning ugly) metal kennel is set up in the room with our TV, etc., we call the "Up North" room with his mat and toys, like a giant playpen (we didn't figure this out for a week and it has been a life saver).
The bedroom had to be rearranged to accommodate his giant crate.
There are smelly treats and damp toys all over the house.
As soon as I sit down I am back on my feet grabbing yet another item out if his mouth. . . "put that down"!
I feel now what it's like to be a parent - the joys and the stress and the frustration.
Todd and I consider ourselves caring and loving towards our pets and "normal" and find it hard to deal with at times.
Oh, have I mentioned yet, that for all of this, he is sweet and adorable and super cute and goes potty outside (well most of the time) and sleeps on his back with his legs spread, and sleeps pretty well at night and we love him already!